All attempts to scientifically justify atheism only result in its refutal[1]. This was the outcome of the Stanley Miller’s experiment, the same happened with the experiment of the University of Michigan group of biologists directed by Richard E. Lenski[2]. Until then, atheists have had a great excuse. They declared that the hypothesis of atheistic evolution could not have been proven experimentally and one just had to believe in it. Because it takes millions of years for species diversity to develop. Lenski’s experiment changes the whole picture and Dawkins presents it as another “evidence.” However, he yet again does not see that this experiment proves the opposite of what he wants to support.

In his book “The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution” Dawkins dedicates the article “Forty-five thousand generations of evolution in the laboratory” to this experiment in Chapter 5 “Right Before the Eyes.”[3] He commences again with microevolution using lizards as examples, then he moves on to bacteria and amazing capabilities of evolution which he bestows on the imaginary human ancestor Australopithecus Lucy. This is a trick worthy of the illusionist David Copperfield! First of all, it is absolutely wrong to compare evolution of the single-cell bacteria into other bacteria with the intraspecie evolution of higher mammals. Second of all, Lucy and all other representatives of the Australopithecus Afarensis species are simply extinct monkeys and their reconstruction is based on speculations, assumptions and fantasies.

Lenski conducts the experiment on the intestinal bacteria Escherichia coli that provides “numerous opportunities for evolution.”[4] As Dawkins explicates the experiment in great detail and thorough information about the experiment is easily accessed on the Internet, we will not repeat the information presented in other sources. Dawkins accompanies the description of the evolution-modeling experiment in the laboratory with caustic and prickly comments, emotionally mocking the creationists. Such tone is unacceptable for scientific discussion and we will attempt to leave the emotion out when discussing the experiment results. Prior to this it have to drop the masks (drop all the pretenses) and reveal who argues about what and for what.

Dawkins does not hide his objective for the experiment. While relying on Lenski’s experiment, he aims to convince the reader that the blind evolution from Simiiformes species can accidentally lead to appearance of human. In the very beginning of his narration he mentions Lucy and compares evolution of bacteria to evolution of primates. Dawkins keeps returning to this topic, saying that the effect of evolution of 45000 generations of the bacteria can be compared to the effect of million years of human evolution. Along the way he mentions Noah’s arch, twelve tribes of Israel[5] and Lazarus from the Gospel. Thus, we are witnessing an argument between atheistic concept and biblical (professed by Christianity, Judaism and Islam) concept. It is important for Dawkins and atheists alike to present the story of origins of Mankind as “The Greatest Show on Earth.” To do this, they are like conjurers and sharpers, do not hesitate to transfer the mechanisms of bacterial evolution onto anthropoid apes.

It is important to comment right away that this approach is anti-scientific. The term “species” cannot be applied to bacteria for several reasons. This renders all further discussion of the British scientists about commonality of evolution mechanisms of bacteria and higher mammals absolutely absurd.

We will not play with sharpers by their rules, but just out of curiosity we will compare the evolution results of the bacteria with the necessary changes of primates for the sake of the atheistic “Show”. Lenski’s experiment on E. coli bacteria has demonstrated that the natural selection can support mutations that do not give the maximum benefits for “here and now”, but ensure the “victory” in the evolutionary competition of those bacteria that initially have been losing to their rivals. Wide spectrum of genetic changes during the experiment has lead to emergence of adaptation of one E. coli population. It developed an ability to feed on Sodium Citrate in addition to glucose, the only other food. The experiment has shown an emergency and consolidation of an attribute under the influence of the environment; there was no formation of new species.

Since atheists so desire, we will make an analogy with a hypothetical evolution of mankind. As of October 2016, approximately 65 900 E. coli generations[6] have emerged. We do not have any reason no to trust King David who said that thousands of years ago people lived 70-80 years (Psalm 89: 10). The average age of anthropoid apes (orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees) is 50 years, and they sexually mature at 11-13 years of age. If we count only generations, then Lenski’s experiment will equate to 1-2 million years of hypothetical human evolution. Dawkins says, that forty-five thousand generations of evolution E. coli in the laboratory are equate 1 million years for human generations. We must keep in mind the metaphorical “islands” that are very important to the evolution. As part of the Lenski’s experiment, 1% of the liquid from the preceding container daily placed into the new one with 10 ml of glucose-rich nourishing “broth”. The resettlement of the bacteria onto a new “island” happened daily. In the human evolution such irrevocable resettlement could happen once in a thousand years and it would take 10 million years for 10 thousand island to occur. But we should not upset the atheists and will continue to assume 1 million years as desired by Dawkins.

According to the atheistic chronology and legend, 1 million of years ago the Earth was inhabited by Australopithecus apes, to which belongs the famous Lucy, and the Homo Erectus, that are considered the direct ancestor of the atheists. In their appearance and intellect they were very far from the modern human. In the best case scenario, they could guess how to use a stick or how to crack nuts with a stone.

Now we can compare the evolutionary changes within the same number of generations in both cases. Bacteria E. coli has adapted to a new type of food but remained the same bacteria without forming a new “specie”. The appearance of the human (according to the evolution hypothesis) has changed a lot: it has lost his body hair[7], learned to compose symphonies and poems, paint, to send spaceships to Mars, descend to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and to argue about the evolution[8]. It appears that the human has evolved trillions times faster than E. coli.

It was not an accident that this one-cell bacteria E. coli has been selected for the experiment. It evolves fast due to the small size of its genome and its relative simplicity. Furthermore, the experimenters daily provoked, stimulated its evolution, creating special conditions and daily relocating it onto new “islands”. Is it possible for higher mammals whose structure is by far more highly complex to evolve by pure accident and trillions times faster? Obviously, it is not possible. Thus humans could not evolve from Homo Erectus and similar extinct apes.

Nobody denies microevolution, and the atheists should have conducted an experiment for evolutionary creating at least multi-cell organisms from the single-cell bacteria; but they are not capable of doing so. Nothing significant and fundamentally new has happened in this experiment. Biochemistry of E. coli has always enabled it to absorb citrates. The channels in the normal (not mutated) membrane of bacteria did not let through the citrate molecules. Mutation in the experiment has done one simple thing: it enlarged pores in a cell membrane of E. coli to allow the citrate absorption. Our “thank-you’s” go Lenski’s group, it was all very interesting, however it does not have anything in common with creation of new species.

A close investigation of the evolution show demonstrates, that the show is staged by illusionists. Lenski’s experiment has proven that only insignificant intraspecific changes can occur to the simplest of bacteria over generations that correlates to millions of years of mammal’s existence. This experiment is of huge importance for anthropology. It stops sesquicentennial dispute about human origins, clearly proving that a human could not have evolved from some type of Simiiformes by the way of atheistic blind evolution[9].

[1] Albert Einstein said: “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.”

[2] For brevity, we refer to the work of the group of bacteriologists and students of laboratory of R. Lenski simply “Lenski’s experiment.”

[3] Richard Dawkins. The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution. 2009.

[4] See Chapter 5, “Right before eyes.” The article “Forty-five thousand generations of evolution in the laboratory.”

[5] Dawkins likens them to the twelve populations of E. coli, participating in the experiment.

[6] On the web page of Richard Lenski is dynamic counter showing the number of generations of bacteria in the experiment at the moment:

[7] But why and for what? Because body hair gave a lot of practical benefits and improves survival.

[8] All these changes are absolutely impossible to explain in terms of the logic of evolution. The last six abilities at all are crimes against evolution because not only are useless and unnecessary for survival, but also forced to waste valuable resources. According to all scientific data, evolution eliminate all unnecessary things, especially wasteful spendings. Therefore, during the evolution these abilities could never appear.

[9] This article is a chapter from the book: Konstantin Volkodav. Evolution: the dark side of the Greatest Show on Earth. Vol. 1. - Serpukhov, 2016. - 416 p. - (Fontes Historiarum) . - ISBN 978-5-9905423-6-5. Website: Published with permission of the author.
